Monday, February 28, 2005

Here's An Idea

Why can't we change Mano's home game to Tuesdays so we can all start playing at Heroes again on Wednesdays? Any thoughts on this?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Join the Posse!

You all need to join the posse already. =P

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Congratulations, Mano!

Congratulations to our friend, and fellow posse member, Mano! He finished 85th today so he's already qualified for a seat in the final event in April. Hopefully we will be blessed tomorrow and we'll qualify, too! I don't have a lot of money to be donating each time that we play.

BTW, here's an update on the little competition that Jason and I are having: Jason is currently ranked 42nd (up from being 57th in the region) and I dropped down to 67th (from 55th just a week ago). But, hey! I earned a few points on Thursday. Perhaps not enough to overtake him, but I'm still in the running!! Oh, yeah!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mano's Email Address

Can someone give me Mano's email address so we can invite him to this thing? By the way, Brian and I are playing the poker thing at Kansas Colliseum this weekend. If anyone wants to carpool with us, you all need to sign up on Friday at APL HQ.

Speaking of Friday, there's a Mardi Gras party at The Shadow. The Posse needs to be there. Let's all get drunk! We have lots to celebrate!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Leave the design alone!

For the record I'm not doing much redecorating here. I'm going to use one of the standard templates because, frankly, I just don't have the time to be dicking with this shit. I have to focus on my game! Besides, it's the content that matters. Who cares about the stupid background?

BTW, congrats to Jason! He's on fire this week! The dude won $950 at a poker tourney yesterday and he's still feeling pretty giddy. I can't say I blame him. I'd be giddy too.

Corey didn't do too shabby either. At the same tourney, he placed fifth and took $200 away. Two of our buddies at the final table. I must say, "the posse" was well-represented that day.

My only question is, why weren't we invited to this thing?

What a let down...

I was so bummed about losing the invite to this thing, and so excited when I finally got logged in correctly, then I view the site and almost go cross-eyed. (Well, not almost, I did, my head hurts.) What is up with the background? You're so busy plotting your orgies that you can't take the time to make a decent layout? Seriously? C'mon!

Anyway, I'm seriously debating whether I belong here. I might see everyone less and less. I'm actually toying with the idea of going back to work for Mr. Shapiro at Flashbacks. Pros: More cash flow, no door cover, guest list privileges, and being able to dance on the bar whenever I want to. Cons: Less time for sleeping, drinking, going out. Lots of late nights while sober. Hmmm...

More likely, my lazy ass will choose to skip having a second job and just work OT hours. In which case I do intend on playing more often. I'm tired of hearing everyone brag about when they win. "You're only winning because I'm not there."

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Check it out!

Check it out!
Originally uploaded by Ching.

I figured that I will post this because Jason (who is currently #57 right behind me) is about to over take me! At least, this way, I'll have proof that I out-ranked him at one point! LOL!

Friday, February 04, 2005

This is what we need!

This is what we need!, originally uploaded by Ching.

Jason! This is what we need for - can you set it up?